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Church Staff

Rev. Rick Chrisman


Reverend Rick Chrisman

Monique Weiss Byrnes

Director of Music Ministry

Music has been at the heart of Monique’s life, and a second language for her family. Monique attended Oberlin Conservatory of Music and received a Bachelor's in organ performance and a Master's in choral conducting. While at Oberlin she spent time in Europe, teaching at the American School in London, and performing on organs throughout Europe and accompanying and conducting choirs on concert tours in England, Wales, Belgium, Austria, and at the International Choral Festival in Poland.

Monique has been a music director, organist/pianist/singer, choral conductor, composer, and teacher in the Boston Area since 1987. She has accompanied and vocally coached the Newton Community Chorus since 1988 performing choral works of Bach through Durufle. She is a Chapel musician, choral accompanist, and choral conductor at Newton Country Day School. As the Director of Music Ministry, she has interest in choral and organ music of the Renaissance through the Contemporary and she enjoys improvising on hymn tunes for worship. In 2008, she won The New England Early Music Grant and performed a series of early music sacred choral works accompanied by an early music ensemble for Advent worship services. As a composer, she has composed numerous works on Psalm text and poetry and her sacred choral composition, "In Christ There is No East or West", was selected to be performed at the Episcopal convention in 2009. In addition to classical music studies, Monique studied jazz piano and voice and has performed with several jazz ensembles in the Boston area.

Guy Burn

Facilities Manager

Guy has had an eclectic career, starting on farms as a child in New Zealand, an officer in tanks in the British Army, stints in the law, advertising, corporate management, making wildly expensive furniture, managing projects in the Middle East, “head-hunting” in Boston, world-wide sales of aquatic research and aquaculture systems. All through his life he has worked in property development, repair and renovation.

Deb Raymond

Church Administrator

Deb grew up in the United Church of Christ and is currently part-time Christian Education Director at Burlington United Church of Christ. Deb has experience in a variety of office management positions. In her free time, Deb enjoys outside walking, biking, jogging, and playing pickleball. She loves playing board games, card games, and having dinner with family and friends.

Mario Garcia

Worship & Event Coordinator


Nicola Santoro

Soprano Section Leader

Soprano Nicola Santoro is quickly establishing herself as a foremost interpreter of contemporary music. This summer, she was an Apprentice Artist with the Chautauqua Opera Company and performed in works such as Thumbprint (Annu) and The Mother of Us All (Lillian Russell), working with directors Omer Ben Seadia and Keturah Stickann and conducted by Kristin Roach and Steven Osgood, respectively. She starred in the collegiate premiere of The (R)evolution of Steve Jobs as Chrisann Brennan under the direction of Kevin Newbury and Maestro Michael Christie. Previous role credits also include Mrs. O’Malley/Ensemble (It’s A Wonderful Life), Lauretta (Gianni Schicchi), and Papagena (Die Zauberflöte). Recently, she received the Encouragement Award in the Boston District of the Metropolitan Opera National Council Awards, was a prize winner in the National Society of Arts and Letters Competition two years in a row, and was a semifinalist in the Orpheus Competition. Nicola earned her B.M. from Westminster Choir College and her M.M. from the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music.

Caitlin Winston

Alto Section Leader

Connor Burke

Bass Section Leader

Connor Burke is from Wilmington, MA and has been singing for longer than he
can remember, relying on his mother for stories of singing along to the radio in the grocery store at two years old. In the 4th grade, his life as a performer began when he entered the talent show and sang “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough” by Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell. That same year, he began playing the trumpet in the North Intermediate School Band. He instantly fell in love with the trumpet, and he believes that this particular choice of instrument still informs the melodic and linear way that he thinks about music when performing and when writing.
Connor received a BM in Music Composition and Theory from Boston University,
with a concentration in voice. While studying, he developed a love of art songs, and though he wrote music in various styles for various ensembles, many of his pieces were for solo voice and piano. Upon graduating in 2017, Connor began singing at Eliot Church of Newton, and has thoroughly enjoyed his time thus far. He recently has also begun working as a songwriter for, where he writes, records, and produces songs for various occasions commissioned by clients.

Aside from music, Connor loves watching and following sports, specifically football and basketball. He also plays Dungeons & Dragons every week. His favorite dessert is tiramisu, and though it may upset his tummy, he will not decline.

Tim Levesque

Tenor Section Leader

Tim is a Vermont native, and has been fascinated with music from a young age. In the second grade he wanted to learn the trumpet, but his mother told him: "No you'll learn piano." He is forever grateful for this because it galvanized his love for harmony, polyphony, and J.S. Bach. In high school he developed a special interest in the Passion works by Bach, enthralled by the ephemeral sound he heard at the Marlborough Music festival. He went on to study vocal performance at Wheaton College as a baritone. There, he focused on the solo concert work of Handel, Mozart operas such as Le Nozze di Figaro, and German lieder.
Post Collegiate his range began to expand and he was thrilled to experience the new sounds of "Tenor Land". Living in Boston the past few years, he has pursued graduate vocal studies at the Longy School of Music and The New England Conservatory. Opera has been of particular interest recently, developing Bel Canto technique and performance practice. His recent appearances include concert arias by Edward Elgar and Gustav Mahler, Steven Sondheim musical theater showcase; operatic roles in Rossini's Il turca in Italia, Benjamin Britten's Peter Grimes, and W.A. Mozart's The Magic Flute.