Welcome to the Eliot Church of Newton! We are a vibrant, theologically progressive community. Inspired by worship we put our faith into action. Our focus is on making God’s love and justice real in this world through our support of progressive climate action, local organizations, and our own volunteer work. We gather to learn about God and about what true discipleship means. Together, we learn what it means to live a life of love, kindness and compassion with one another. No matter who you are – we welcome you!
Plan Your First Visit
First things first: ALL are welcome!

Here’s a play-by-play of what you can expect on your first visit:
Here are the answers to some frequently asked questions about worship at Eliot:
What does it mean “We welcome you - no matter who you are”?
We proudly believe that God does not put people in boxes – and neither do we. We welcome all ages, genders, sexual orientations, races, ethnicities, marital statuses, physical and mental abilities, and classes. We believe that all people are made in the image of God.
What happens on Sunday morning during worship?
During worship, we bring ourselves into the presence of God through song, praise and prayer. Accompanied by our wonderful wonderful choir singers, we lift up our voices to sing our praises to God, we listen to our ancient scriptures and sermons that inspire us to live out a good life in this world. Upon entering our sanctuary, a greeter will hand out a program that guides you through the whole service.
On the first Sunday of the month, we celebrate Holy Communion during worship – an ancient ritual during which we remember the last supper that Jesus had with his disciples. We continue this ancient practice by breaking bread and sharing wine (grape juice) together.
During the service, we also maintain the ancient practice of receiving support through the congregation for our work at the church. This support is visible through your personal skills and gifts, and also financially. We thank you for your generosity!
Note that our worship services in the sanctuary are always recorded live with our cameras. Generally, church attendants are NOT visible during the worship service.
I have kids, can I still come?
YES! We welcome and cherish the laughter and playful spirit of children in our sanctuary. Located in the back of the sanctuary is “pray-ground” – a space dedicated for children to read, play or to draw. During the “Message for the Young” our pastor will come up into the back to sit with the children during the worship service. We know that children can be a bit wild sometimes – we all know and we all love it!
What should I wear?
Some people dress up on Sundays, others are casual. We encourage you to come dressed clothes you feel comfortable! What matters more is that you show up.
How long are your worship services?
Typically, our worship services are 1 hour long. On Sundays during which we celebrate Holy Communion, worship services may take 1 hour and 10 minutes.
What happens after worship?
After our worship service, we gather for coffee and cookies. But there may be other events or potlucks happening after the service as well. Please check our current calendar for upcoming events.
Is the church accessible?
Yes – there is an accessible ramp on the backside of the church building (toward the playground). We also have an elevator in the building.
How do I get to Eliot Church?
Our church is right off I-90 toward Newton Centre.
From the Turnpike:
Use exit 127 toward Newton/Watertown. After the exit, turn right towards Newton Centre. The church is located at the left side at the next intersection. The parking lot is behind the church building.
I have a question you didn't answer!
Don’t hesitate to contact us – we’d love to hear from you!